Business - Group Benefit Plans TOLCO Financial $trategies   go to Home page

Group Life, Health and Dental plans...

We are focused on the small business market. We currently manage the plans for a wide range of firms with up to 200 employees. Our specialty is private companies with 3 to 35 employees and public companies with 10 to 50 employees. We handle all of our clients on a managed-account basis. For certain well-defined projects, we will undertake fee-for-service consulting.

Evaluating your current plan
Every group is different and each employee has different needs from their group health plan. Some need glasses, some orthodontics for their children, some are on maintenance drugs and others rarely use the benefits available. Our expertise is in looking at past use, unfilled employee needs and designing a plan that makes the most of your premium dollar.

Some of the ideas we have implemented are:
  • remove vision, major dental and orthodontics and implement a health spending account to provide employees with a more flexible plan.
  • adjust the company/employee cost sharing to take advantage of income tax savings.
  • implement a 'cost plus' program for owners or principals to create significant income tax savings.
  • evaluate your Weekly Indemnity benefit usage and implement a self administered program to generate significant premium savings.
Give us the opportunity to evaluate your current plan. Any one of 3 things can happen:
  1. We can find you a better plan for the same premium.
  2. We can find you the same coverage for less premium.
  3. We can tell you that you have the best value plan and suggest ways to improve it.
Sophisticated renewal process
With our years of experience in the group market we have developed a very sophisticated database of group rates, utilization data and carrier pricing factors. We thoroughly analyze each year's renewal from the carrier to determine if it is reasonable in light of the experience and current market conditions. If your rates are out of line, we negotiate better premium rates with the carrier before presenting the renewal package to you.

In addition, we thoroughly analyze your plan utilization to determine where benefit changes should be made or ways you can get better use of your premium dollar.

Finally, from time to time, generally at least every 5 years, we take your plan to the market to determine if another carrier can significantly improve the value you receive for your premium dollar.