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Group Retirement & Savings plans...

Types of Savings Plans
There are many different types of Capital Accumulation plans (CAP) in use today. The options extend well beyong the traditional pension plans. Companies, both large and small are offering: Registered Education savings plans (RESP), Deferred Profit Sharing plans (DPSP) in addition to the traditional RRSP plans. See our Pension Plan Comparison table.

Plan Design, Selection, Implementation and Monitoring
The development of sophisticated computer systems has allowed the major insurance companies to provide the smaller companies with all the power and flexibility normally associated with the very large corporate user.

  • Between $10,000 and $75,000 in total annual contributions
    • This can be companies with only 2 or 3 employees
    • These plans are 'packaged investment option' systems
    • The beauty is: they can be implemented with NO FEES

  • Over $75,000 in total annual contributions
    • With as few as 15 employees, you can easily reach this level
    • These plans offer customized investment options
    • There are annual administration fees, however, the Management Expense Fees (MER) are substantially less than retail mutual funds

  • Let TOLCO Financial $trategies help you design a plan that is perfectly suited for both your company and your employees.

Capital Accumulation Plan (CAP) Guidelines
In May 2004 the industry established CAP guidelines for plan members, Sponsors (the companies that implement a plan for their employees), financial planning professionals (like TOLCO Financial $trategies) and the carriers (e.g. Sun Life, Great-West Life, Fidelity Investments, etc.). These guidelines define the obligations of each party. Download a copy of these guidelines.

Sun Life has prepared an excellent Self - Assessment Tool that is very useful if you are considering a CAP or you already have a CAP in place.
Once again there is an advantage of dealing with TOLCO due to our unique Internet offering. We can build and maintain a powerful RRSP application package that is designed exclusively for your employees. This system is designed to assess the employee's risk tolerance and suggest an investment strategy to meet their particular needs. It even fills out the application form for them ready for their signature.
